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What does it cost to join NZ Private Capital?

Fees are calculated on the financial year 1 April – 31 March. Fees must be received in order to access member benefits.

Investor member fees are based on funds under management. Corporation membership fees are according to size of business (number of employees)

All other fees are a set rate for the category.
All fees quoted exclude GST. Pro-rata membership is available.

Membership Fee Schedule (excludes GST):

Membership Type Allowable paying conference delegates (Note 1) Amount (excl GST)
Business Angel Group, Incubator, Individual 1 $600
Institutional Investor (including Fund of fund)
Provide capital to PE & VC managers
(one complimentary)
Government agency (including research and educational institution) 4 $3000
Large Corporation
Typically has more than one office nationally and/or global offices
4 $3000
Small Corporation
Typically one office, usually a small team of up to two people dedicated to service provision to VC and PE
2 $2000
Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds
(FUM > NZ$50M)
4 $3000
Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds
(FUM < NZ$50M)
4 $2500
Sponsor Partner
Membership as per Corporation with sponsorship benefits
Per agreement

Note 1: Subject to availability

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